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March 21, 2022

CedarCreekLake.Online – Ads For Lake Area Advertisers

Looking for ways to advertise your Cedar Creek Lake area business? Look no further!

If you're here, you likely know the importance of local advertising - not only does it help local customers easily connect with your business, it builds brand awareness and earns higher ranks in the Googles. 

Surveys show that 46% of all Google searches are looking for local information, 97% of people learn more about a local company online than anywhere else, and 88% of searches for local businesses on a mobile device either call or visit the business within 24 hours. (Sources: GoGulfNectafy, and HubSpot)

Recognizing the significance of local advertising, Troyer Websites Of Texas has partnered with CedarCreekLake.Online to bring you CedarCreekLake.OnlinePLUS+, the ultimate digital marketing advantage to help you grow your local business. 


‌CedarCreekLake.OnlinePLUS+ is an all in one, bundled solution that combines an online social directory service dedicated to the Cedar Creek Lake Business Community, with the Troyer Websites of Texas complete website services.

But what is CedarCreekLake.Online?

Glad you asked! Before we dive deeper into the advantages of CedarCreekLake.OnlinePLUS+ let's take a look at Cedar Creek Lake Online:

What is CedarCreekLake.Online?

Cedar Creek Lake is one the largest lakes in east Texas at 32,623 surface acres, and boasts a population of nearly 40,000 residents in and around the lake, plus a sizable tourist population.

The population and rapidly growing local economy makes an ideal opportunity for business growth in a large segment of different services and products.

Cedar Creek Lake Online exists to help local businesses capitalize on the growth trend, with an online business directory that helps local businesses and their customers find each other in the Cedar Creek Lake, Texas area. 

Business Advertising for Cedar Creek Lake

Since 2019, CedarCreekLake.Online has over 200,000 page views & 75,000 unique visitors. CedarCreekLake.Online has attracted users in two main ways:
  • Aggregation of Content from our Advertisers & Sponsors
  • Organic Search (Showing your business in local Google searches)
"We help place businesses in front of those looking for them with the right message and the right information at the right time to help customers and businesses connect."

Easier Shopping For Cedar Creek Lake

Shopping Cedar Creek Lake is now easier than ever before - from the best BBQ in town, to a mechanic for their car, visitors to our site can quickly find the latest news, events, and local shopping all at one convenient place.

Not only can our online visitors find what they need easily, our online advertisers get the additional exposure they need to gain the competitive advantage.

Cedar Creek Lake Area Events Calendar

Got a local event for your business you want to get the word out on? The sponsored Lake-Area Events Calendar gets updated weekly - our visitors can quickly catch up on popular entertainment venues and the latest news. 

Modern, Mobile Responsive UI/UX PLUS - Cedar Creek Lake Online Mobile App

Cedar Creek Lake Online boasts a modern, easy to use design, both for our advertisers and our visitors. It's mobile friendly, with an easily searchable archive to help visitors quickly find businesses relevant to their search terms.

Additionally, Cedar Creek Lake Online even has its own mobile app available, for added convenience and client loyalty.

Download it now for both iOS and Android!

Popular Question: "How is this Different than my Facebook Business Page?"

Glad you asked! 

Obviously, Facebook is a great advertising tool. However it is based on word-of-mouth marketing. It works well...so long as people already know who you are!

In addition, the Facebook algorithm is geared for Pay Per Click (PPC) paid advertising promotions, meaning local organic reach is very limited, even on pages with thousands of followers.

For far less cost, you can upgrade to the mobile generation of social users today and get noticed with the power of Google's local search intent. 

How does Cedar Creek Online help their clients? 

Good question. If you would say that there's a lot of competition for getting "found", you would be absolutely right!

Cedar Creek Lake Online helps you replace, and even eliminate the need for expensive, old-fashioned ".com" ads.

An interactive, mobile compatible, and easily searchable, Cedar Creek Lake Online is just what today's Cedar Creek Lake area customers need to find you for local shopping, services or anything else around the lake! 

Here are some of the strategies Cedar Creek Lake Online uses to help you stand out from the crowd:

  • First of all, they’re an Aggregation Site; kind of like a giant information ‘funnel’. They have great content partners with extensive audience reach to attract attention to CedarCreekLake.Online.
  • Secondly, CedarCreekLake.Online has no CPC. (Cost per Click) Many of the other popular review sites such as Yelp, are free to list - but you have to pay a cost-per-click to have your business promoted on their sites. That's where CedarCreekLake.Online differs - they offer a low cost flat rate price per month…for unlimited clicks! 
  • Thirdly, Google scours the internet with billions of Algorithmic “Robots” ranking sites based on content quality. Cedar Creek Lake works with clients to create enriched content for optimal audience on CedarCreekLake.Online!
  • Finally, CedarCreekLake.Online offers Lake Leader Social Directory Promotions. With Social Directory Promotions, you get a customized social story about your business blogged on CedarCreekLake.Online - plus a four-day Facebook boosted promotion with Social Response Monitoring.

Facebook Paid Promotions Example for Fisherman's Wharf:

Could your Cedar Creek Lake area business use this kind of local exposure? 

Comments from Facebook Paid Promotion:

Other benefits from the Social Directory Promotions include:

  • Expanded from CCLO profile listing
  • Links back to your CCLO listing for increased Google backlink ranking
  • Includes detailed Analytics Reporting with ROI. 


A Search-Based "Omni-Channel" Online Advertising Service

Experts say on average it takes 5 to 12 "touch points" for your business to attract new clients. That means, in order to effectively grow your lake area business, you need Multiple online places online for new clients to find you.

cedar creek lake online
An Omni-Channel Marketing Approach - It takes on average, 5 to 12 "touch points" for your business to attract new clients. 

How CedarCreekLake.OnlinePLUS+ Helps Grow Your Lake Area Business

Cedar Creek Lake Online and Troyer Websites of Texas have created an exclusive partnership to offer local Cedar Creek Lake area businesses the power of an Omni-Channel Digital Marketing strategy. 

CedarCreekLake.OnlinePLUS+ offers a bundled internet marketing solution that combines a CedarCreekLake.Online digital listing with a custom designed, standalone website, a Google MyBusiness listing, and connections to your existing social media pages, displays your online reviews, and much more. 

‌Onboarding Process For CedarCreekLake.OnlinePLUS+

Ready for more? We move quickly from concept to live site:

  1. An in-person or phone interview with us to gather information for your business is the first step in the simple onboarding process. 
  2. Your custom website, digital listings, and all the other parts of your Omni-Channel marketing strategy will be professionally setup, designed and launched.
  3. When your new website and directory service are complete, we will help you launch via a paid Facebook Campaign to the Cedar Creek Lake area!
  4. We offer a simple solution that's priced to be affordable for small businesses. Need more? We have enterprise level solutions for well-established businesses as well!

With CedarCreekLake.OnlinePLUS+, the opportunity to grow your business is available like never before!

Ready to Expand Your Cedar Creek Lake Area Business? 

Some of our Advertisers & Sponsors:

About the author 

Eric Schlabach

Eric is the owner of Troyer Websites of Texas, a full service digital marketing agency in east Texas. He is passionate about empowering other entrepreneurs to build their businesses online. If not designing a website, or writing copy, he can generally be found outdoors, on a motorcycle or playing music with his friends.

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